Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Operation "Sleep Early on Saturday Night"

I don't like to sleep early

That's a pretty bad and unhealthy habit

yes, i'm trying...

But i don't quarrel with Saturdays nights

I remember Ps Dan mentioned about honouring God by sleeping early on saturday nights so that we'll be up and about on sundays.

The photo above is a 630am sunday morning shot.

way too early...for most of our liking.

Even though it's hauntingly beautiful

smiling and 6am morning devotions don't quite go together.
That's probably very staged. =)

but this isn't.....

nor was this....

you see, a few of us got together and we realised that we really like hanging out...but not very much was accomplished all the time.
Fun has always been very important to me. I love suppers, movies...
and i don't have to convince anyone about that.

a page from the past...

i remember wondering the streets on sunday afternoons after church with the rest of the "singles' club", trying to create some meaning in being together.
We were often dead tired but no one would want to go home till we really had to.
We have real issues, questions, doubts, fears and needs that we hoped others would be able to meet during those extensive, exhaustive hang out times.
i usually end up home on sunday night, disappointed, tired and dreading the impending monday.

but i WANT to be with my friends

and that hasn't changed since i was 14.

There MUST be some good we can do for each other?

It's a pretty vicious cycle i got trapped into.
I had problems and i couldn't find solutions that would fix me.
I tried to find "quick fix"es in my friends but often mess it up
We jeered, teased, put down, competed, talk down to each other most of the time.
we didn't know any better.

Ironically there were answers in THE Book i've never come across
And i never came across cos i've never tried searching.
or seeking
or hearing

I had needs and words weren't going to help

we don't have all the answers
we don't have to.
we just need to be asking the Source

Quiet time/devotions are NEVER easy.
I haven't met many youths who never had struggles doing it
If we're so into each other for so many hours each time we meet,
why not help and do some good?

some of us are meeting together.
We find a spot and take 30 min to be alone with God and His word.
We practice being still and hearing
and i believe if we do it often enough, we will hear
i've heard.
it works.

After the 30 mins we come together to share and pray(over breakfast)

If i try it on a sunday morning and i get to internalise a Promise from the Source,
then i might find it easier to attempt it again on monday, tue, wed, thur...
even when i'm alone

Seeking and finding isn't second nature but it can be
If we're all doing it together
Everything IS easier when we do it together

Even if we have to wake up at 5am on sunday

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Over time, i started to get more tired on sunday afternoons...
and over time, received wisdom to go home for naps

Please join Operation "Sleep Early on Saturday night"!
All are welcome!


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