Thursday, July 13, 2006


i'm using the LIFO method of blogging.
Last In, First Out.

haha..i actually feel a little more knowledgable than those of you who dunno this accounting term.

Sorry about the time lapse.

What does jogging, getting out of bed and blogging have in common?

You only know you've made the right decision after you've done it.

The other activity commonly used in this question is eating vegetables.

I wouldn't put that in for 2 reasons.
1. I like more vegetables now.
2. Those that i still can't stand, they're still wrong decisions eating them.

Some of you are lost.

Here's a joke to make up for it.
(the new paper actually has some decent ones)


A bus conductor with a really bad temper was charged in court after a man he beat up on the bus died. He was charged with murder and sentenced to death by electric chair. On the day of his death penalty, he was strapped to the chair and just as the executioner was about to turn on the power, he asked,"Can i have an unripe green banana?"

The executioner was shocked but gave it to him anyway. He ate the banana and was executed.
The electricity didn't kill him!

His sentence was postponed and the next time, he asked for an unripe green banana again.
He ate it and again the electric chair didn't work on him.

The third time, he asked for the unriped green banana, ate it and survived the chair again!

The law of the country states that anyone who has survived the electric chair 3 times must be freed.
When he left prison, he was swamped by reporters.
"Sir, what's the secret of the unripe green bananas??"
"Sir, are you going to write a book on the phenomenon of the UGBs?"

"Nope. I'm just a bad conductor.


and i'm a bad blogger to make you endure that.

Tell me that's not funny!!

ok. time to start reflecting..


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