Monday, July 28, 2008

where have i been all this time

It's funny that the title of my last post seems to be talking to me

But well, i'm back and sorry to be away for so long. 8 months! Ok to make up for it, i have a tag board now. I feel so in tuned with technology!!
It's been an eventful 8 months, a bulk of it painful.
I can't put them all on the www but i do have evon to go through most of them with me. Thank God for her.

I must confess that i don't have any inspired prose bursting out. I just feel i need to start writing again. Thanks to the prompting of 2 sisters.

I will look back to see if there's anything worth sharing.

ok i do!

Was at the Go Forth conference and it was a blast!

Let's get this party started with some great quotes:

"The world finds fulfillment in people employing their gifts and talents in the right places.
The Church finds fulfillment in dying for others."

"The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity but its sending capacity."

"Go to where you're not."

"Refresh, Replenish, Release!"- the role of Singapore as missions hub?

It's really neat cos i've had many ywam friends passing through Singapore and i've put them up either at my place or the office. And that's what i tried to do for them. At least in front of the overflowing dinning table. "Be replenished and eat all you can! Then go get them!!". I got this clear resonance when the 3 Rs were shared in workshop at the conference.

I was networking with a new boldness and confidence during the conference. It was cool to meet many new friends and to reunite with old ones there. I get this sense that God's family isn't limited to the local church and such a wealth of resource is available for the Kingdom.

ok. so here are some updates of my life since i last blog. in no order at all.

-put on quite a few kilos.(just in case you haven't met me.)

-i got a new cell. leading an male teen cell. They're quite cute at times. Go figure.
BUT, i must say that they really are the future and we must invest in them.

-Got a pair of Adidas Predator for only $30!!!

-I work in church now.

- been getting aches and pains after the soccer sessions on sundays. The Weekend Warrior is crumbling! bought a pair of custom made insoles cos my sole was hurting too.

- My IPPT looms Aug

-went on my first mission trip since DTS. It was cool cos i could sit back more and watch people bloom and grow. Need to invest in here too.and yes, Nepal was wonderful. Being able to talk to E and S about life there was so precious. Evon was wonderful in Nepal! I'm so blessed to have "happy kid" share those moments with me there.see my facebook for more pictures.

- dad went Home. ( not easy reading but worth remembering)

- Man Utd won the EPL and Champions League!!