Wednesday, October 05, 2005

fruits (rambling ALERT!!)

I was thinking about fruits earlier.

why isn't the soursop sour?

Sour plum is sour
Sour cream is sour
Sour grapes is ...

so why don't we call it sweetsop instead?

Sweet potato is sweet
Sweet corn is sweet
Sweetheart is ...
never mind

sweetsop. sweetsop. sweetsop. hmmm..
sounds like a kid who can't articulate his fantasy outing.
"Dad? can we go the sweetsop prist?"

And if you happen to get near a fruit juice store anytime,
try oraleng and soursop.
It's nice!
you're like drinking orange juice and suddenly, the sweet creamy pulp of the "sop" seeps into it. so subtley you'll hardly notice.
when you do, you'll realise that sweetness has a range.
citrus sweet and err..sweetsop sweet!
it's nice.
even my british friend likes it.


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