Monday, October 09, 2006


I've been hearing this word over and over again the last few weeks. Calmness, restedness. It's a state of the heart where you're not fighting, not struggling. Just like that little petal floating. The rapids are just ahead but the waters are still calm and still.
Over this period, i'm drawn to this peace and confidence that He offers. Without having to prove my worth, myself. It's the awareness that all He wants is you. Not your ministry,your service or sacrifice.

but just you.

sometimes that's the costliest thing to surrender. On the outside we're all right, but beneath, we're furiously paddling like the ducks.

Mary and Martha. Who messed up? It could be anyone of them. You could be serving sacrifically, but the moment you sneer at someone doing any less than you, you've lost it. Drip drop. Or when you so brilliantly conclude that someone needs to heard this or learn that beacuse they are so less spiritual than you. You've lost the joy and the ripples appear on your streams.

i will be still
know You are God


Anonymous Anonymous said...

know His power
in quietness
and trust...

thinking of you whenever i drink kopi-C and teh-C-peng,

1:47 PM  

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