Saturday, November 18, 2006


Week 7 was really exciting
For the first time in my life, a Christian leader called me a "stinking, arrogant, self centered slob" during a lesson.
And he's absolutely right!!
Everyday, he blasted us with encouragements like." shut up, grow up and do as you're told" and
"get over your stinking self!"
It was great!!
Humility was the key to learn submission. We learnt that submission means being in the right place of rank/position/formation-a military term.
So many of the problems i faced were about:

I was upset by someone's comments
I think that guy used the insensitive words and he hurt me
He's pretty competitive


simple solutions to life's problems

on friday, we had our weekly application
we learnt about the Tabernacle-where God dwells to meet His people and the 9 steps into the Holy of Holies
so on that day, we were going to enter in.
The classroom was set up like the Tabernacle and we moved step by step
closer and closer

by thursday afternoon after all the lessons, there was just this overwhelming, saturated feeling...
Like a guy waiting to pee, but got no toilet(hmm..sorry..pretty crude huh?)
but that's how i felt..
i felt the entire Christian life was preached at us that week and it needed a response
then came the question:

"What do you want, simon?"

I just wanted to know His presence
And so i went in


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